Rest in Peace, sweet Scottie. You were born 11/1/09, arrived at TLCR 7/28/10, and departed this world at 3:30 a.m. 8/19/15 while in my arms. You were an angel - and now you really are one. Always a joy - never a problem. You went to all the adoption events without even a whimper. I will miss you, sweet one.
Scottie was diagnosed with "probably FIP" about six months ago. I've given him palliative care, and watched closely as he deteriorated in health. Yesterday was day three of not eating, so I was going to have him euthanized today - as his breathing was becoming labored. I am so grateful that he passed on his own, in his own bed, in my arms. I spoke with him softly for the few hours it took, easing his transition. It was am amazing experience, as it always is when a loved one goes peacefully, naturally, on to the next plane. Josie Spadaro Carr, thank you for being Scottie's sponsor. heart emoticon