The Little Cats' Rescue is a no-kill shelter, and we will keep a cat at our sanctuary for as long as it takes to find them a happy home--even if if it takes a lifetime. At this holiday season, we hope you might consider sponsoring one of our sanctuary cats, as a "purr-fect" gift for the cat lover in your family, or as a tribute to someone special. Sponsoring a TLC cat is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
This beautiful young lady is Sydney, and she is currently residing at our sanctuary. She's come a long way from the shy, scared kitty she arrived as. Sydney was rescued from one of our free-roam colonies and definitely is happy to be out of there! Sydney still has occasional bouts of anxiety, however, which manifest themselves in the form of mild seizures and chasing her tail. She is currently on medication for this, and her condition is under control. Here at our sanctuary, Sydney enjoys the comforts of home and a good chin massage. Though she is skittish at first, she is playful and sweet when you get to know her and enjoys a good snuggle. And she has a tapestry of pastel colors that make her look like a painter's palette!
If you would like to sponsor Sydney or any of our other sanctuary cats for Christmas, please contact us and we can arrange to e-mail you and/or the cat-lover on your gift list a photo of the cat and a sponsorship certificate to print out. Click the "Our Cats" tab above to see photos and descriptions of all the other cats at our TLC sanctuary.
Thank you, and on behalf of all the cats and kittens at TLC, Happy Holidays!